Welcome to the River Vale Public School District Employment Opportunities Page!
To review and/or apply for one of our available positions, please click the appropriate posting below and follow the instructions to submit your application/resume.
Leave of Absence Opportunities (click here)
Paraprofessional Aide (click here)
Substitute School Nurse (click here)
Substitute Custodian (click here)
RVSD Employment Application
(click here to download to complete)
Custodial/Maintenance Employment Application
(click here to download to complete)
For questions please contact:
Kathy Hayek, Executive Assistant to the Superintendent
(201) 358-4020 or [email protected].

Click on the image above to begin the application process with ESS!
The River Vale Public Schools utilizes ESS to manage our substitute teacher program. ESS is an educational staffing agency dedicated to providing qualified, trained and certified substitute professionals to over 60 school districts in New Jersey.
New Jersey First Act
P.L. 201 1, c. 70 (N.J.S.A. 52:14-7) - "New Jersey First Act" Effective September 1, 2011, all employees of school districts must reside in the State of New Jersey, unless exempted under law. If you already work for the school district as of September 1, 2011, and you do not live in New Jersey, you are not required to move to New Jersey. However, if you begin your office, position or employment on September 1, 2011 or later, you must reside in New Jersey. If you do not reside in New Jersey, you have one year after the date you take your office, position or employment to relocate your residence to New Jersey. If you do not do so, you are subject to removal from your office, position or employment.
Equal Employment Opportunity/Affirmative Action