Media Center

Birthday Book Club

Book Search

Media Center Policies


Welcome to the Woodside Media Center!

Ms. Jillian Topolski

School Library Media Specialist

[email protected]

Birthday Book Club



Birthday Book Club!

Dear Parents/Guardians,

We are excited to continue the Woodside School Birthday Book Program! This initiative not only supports our library but also provides a meaningful birthday treat for each child.

With a donation of $20-25 per child, a book will be selected for the library in your child’s name. Your child will be the first to borrow this book, which will feature a bookplate with their name and birthday. While the book will remain a part of the library collection, your child will enjoy the honor of being the first to  read it. Children with summer birthdays will receive their book on their “half birthday.”

To participate, simply fill out the form linked below and make checks payable to Woodside School. If you have multiple children, you can list them all on the same form. Thank you for helping enrich our library and make this program so special!


Ms. Jillian Topolski

Ms. Jillian Topolski

School Media Specialist

[email protected] Birthday Book Club Sign Up Sheet

Book Search


Find a book in our collection!

Click the link below to search for a book:

Destiny Discover

Media Center Policies


Library Policies for Book Care and Checkouts: 

Dear Parents/Guardians,

Welcome to our Media Center! Below, you’ll find important information about our library policies regarding book checkouts and the care of borrowed materials.

Book Checkout Limits by Grade: 

Kindergarten: Students may check out 1 book at a time. 

1st and 2nd Grade: Students may check out 2 books at a time. 

3rd through 5th Grade: Students may check out 3 books at a time. 

We encourage students to select books that match their reading interests and to return them on time to ensure all students have access to our collection. 

Policy for Damaged or Lost Books: 

If a book is damaged, it will need to be replaced. Families can either provide a replacement copy or cover the cost of the book. 

If a book is lost, students will not be able to check out new books until the lost item is found or replaced. 

These policies are in place to help us maintain a well-stocked and organized library, fostering a positive experience for all students. 

Thank you for partnering with us in teaching students responsibility and the value of shared resources. If you have any questions or need assistance with a replacement, please don’t hesitate to contact me. 

Best regards,

Ms. Jillian Topolski

School Media Specialist

Email: [email protected]

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